Friday, June 24, 2016

A Web of Colors Prologue

Okay, this is a new story called A Web of Colors, but to be totally honest that's just a temporary name. I'm still contemplating other titles. Quick Backstory- this story was created from new colorful Sharpies and my own crazy mind. So with out any futher a do, let us enter the mind of Jet.

HIS NAME WAS JET. Jet Blackfort to be exact. Considering his circumstances his name is a bit ironic. You see Jet despises black. His parents, Onyx and Ebony live for the color. His mother –Ebony- washed all the Blackfort clothing black and cleaned all their black dishes. His father –Onyx- chopped all his children’s black hair, and worked in a coal mine. Mining... well black charcoal.
In other words, they had a slight obsession with the color with color.
Jet, on the other hand, was the totally opposite of his black obsessed parents and family.
One example would be his room. His room was the only one to have a window. For his father found the outside world to be too light. But at Jet’s constant begging, Onyx let him have a small window as long as he keep the door closed whenever he had the window open. And it wasn’t just the window. Every one of his books would be found with a flatten leaf stuck in them. His desk was littered with odd mushrooms, weirdly bent sticks, and pictures. Pictures of the outside world, of course. His bed was always messy for he never slept well in the dark. His closet were filled with a large orange walking stick, a box of acorns, a leather-bound journal holding all of his discoveries as well as a meager area for his clothing.
Jet loved the outside. Often he would be found staring up in awe of the beauty of a single tree. Or watching a bubbling creek meander its way through a hillside. His friends would often remark that he would be interested in watching grass grow. He, unlike his family, spent enough time outside to have the trademark Blackfort pale skin to darken in to a nice tan.
For centuries, the Blackfort family had lived their lives in total and complete darkness. Shutting out any light that dared to penetrate their beloved homestead. Never, in the history, of the two thousand years of documented Blackfort history had a single person bearing their name had a tan. The idea was completely outrageous. So, his parents were lost. Never had they ever expected to be in this position. But looking back they had always known he was different. For starters, when Jet opened his eyes. They were not brown or black as it was for the average Blackfort baby, they were green. A startling green that were filled with curiosity as though even then he was ready to explore the outdoors. His parents, frightened that he would change the Blackfort legacy, kept him locked up even tighter than their other children. They hoped that by doing this, Jet learn to love his prison-like home and dwell in the darkness of their castle forever.
Shockingly, it had the opposite effect. By doing this Jet yearned even more for the outside world. In the library, while the other children calmly read their books, Jet stared up at the tiny fire escape windows that dotted the large wall wondering what could be out there.
When it was time for Jet to go to school, his parents reluctantly released their grip on him enough to let him attend Nessmond Elementary school.
That’s when Jet first really saw the outdoors. At seven years old, Jet was in love. The green trees swaying gently in the wind. The moist pine needles under his palms. The defiant calls of birds as Jet and his siblings scurried along the path to the school. The place where he was forced to spend the first seven years of his life was no longer his home. The forest was.
So when his parents discovered the horrifying tanned skin they hatched a plan.
We have to teach this boy to love black, they decided.
Nothing had ever made the Blackforts changed.
Nothing had ever stood in their way.
And nothing ever would.

Alright!! Please review!!! And I'll have the first chapter up by tomorrow!!

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