Sunday, June 26, 2016

A Web of colors Chapter 2

I got the second chapter of A Web of Colors done! If you like it please review. If you don't like it please review!!! Oh and if you have suggestions for a better title (for ANY of my stories) it would greatly appreciated if you let me know in the comments.

SCARLET CARMINE KNEW HER GRANDMA WAS STRANGE. Man, Ona had practically invented strange, but this crossed even her border of strange and completely loco.
Scarlet sat on the floor of their tiny apartment staring up at her grandma. Ona was singing and dancing as though it were a ball with dancers surrounded her, dancing to her music. But Ona was having a hard time keeping up with beats of her own music. Scarlet’s feet ached in sympathy for Ona’s imaginary dance partner, remembering then time she made the mistake of joining in. Despite her dancing ware of pink bunny slippers and a bathrobe, Ona still managed to pierce the feet of anyone dancing with her.
“La la la Love ain't here anymore.” Ona sung her favorite waltz music.
She continued to sing and dance to the imaginary music, while Scarlet mental rewound the last hour.
She remembered waking up to Ona’s wrinkly face framed by frizzy gray hair.
“Awaken, awaken, my child for day has not yet come so we must sing and dance to wake the sun from its own slumber.” Ona had said. She seemed to get crazier every day!
Scarlet knew she wasn’t going to school today. It was one of Ona’s bad days where her wits were nearly nonexistent.
Scarlet knew her friends; Jet, Violet, and Forrest; would cover for her as they always did. Sometime later in the day one of her friends would come over to give her the day’s homework.
It seemed like a cruel twist of fate. Scarlet would have to spend the next twenty-four hours making sure Ona didn’t decide to jump off a cliff while her friends got to dive into the abyss that was William Shakespeare’s works. Lucky.
Scarlet leaned back against the taupe wallpaper thinking, I wish I could turn this silent room into that classroom where- wait silent room?
She jerked up, eyes searching around the room to see Ona sprawled across the carpet.
“ONA!” Scarlet screeched pure terror in her voice.
Much to Scarlet’s relief, Ona jerked her head up almost banging it back down again on the coffee table.
“Oh dear, don’t be scared for me child, I was just staring up at the stars with Garnet, here.” Ona patted her clenched hand as though pointing out the person who she was holding hands with.
Only there was one problem, Garnet had been dead for five years. In one year, Scarlet had lost her parents and her grandpa. And if she wasn’t careful she was going to lose her grandma, too.

“No, no Puppy why must you leave me!?” Ona bawled, “You were so young, so YOUNG!”
Scarlet held back laughter. The only thing that stood in her way was five years of taking care of her strange grandma. But there were still moments when she could barely contain her laughter. Like now, with Ona on the floor cradling her purple puppy stuffed animal that their cat, Bebe, had “killed”.  Bebe sat on the couch now with a perplexed look on her calico face. Scarlet couldn’t blame her. If I was a cat and my owner was bawling all over my stuffed animal chew toy, I would be confused, too. No matter how often events like this happen.
“Why? Why? Why? WHY!?” Ona sobbed interrupting Scarlet’s thoughts by grabbing her shirt and sobbing all of it.
“It’s okay, Ona. Puppy is um in a better place.” Scarlet comforted stroking her grandmother’s hair.
Ona pulled back, her eyes rimmed red. “Bu- But” Ona bit her lip.
“Yes?” Scarlet prodded gently.
          “I want her back,” Ona screamed before bursting back into tears.
“Yes I know, I understand.”
“No, you don’t!” Ona cried stubbornly, “No one understands!”
“I do.”
“No, you don’t.” Ona declared almost challengingly.
“Yes, I do.”
“No, you don’t”
“Yes, I do.”
“No, you don’t!” The cat’s head swiveled back and forth as though watching an intense game of tennis.
“Yes, I do.”
“No, you don’t!”
“Yes, I do.”
“NO, YOU DON’T!” Ona howled with grief, “I am alone in my anguish.”
“Well then,” Scarlet smirked knowing how to get Ona back to her non-grieving self, “If you are mourning so much I guess you can’t eat this bag of MNM’s,” she sighed holding up a bag of MNM’S dejectedly as though it were a true tragedy.
Ona’s eyes watched the swinging bag greedily, her previous grief forgotten. “Gimme!” she pounced on the bag in a way that Bebe would surely be jealous of.
Ona struggled to open the bag using her teeth, but only succeeded in making it stretch, like taffy.
Scarlet sighed, “Let me see, I will open it for you.” She picked up the slimy bag and ripped it open to reveal a colorful variation of colors.
“CANDY!” Ona screeched practically popping Scarlet’s eardrums in the process.
She grabbed one handful after the other, shoving into her mouth with all the grace of a gorilla.
“MORE CANDY?” Ona asked spluttering sticky MNM’s all over Scarlet and the carpet.
“Gross,” Scarlet muttered brushing a stray MNM of her arm.
“What-“Scarlet started.
“That?” she finished.
Scarlet turned toward Ona who was happily playing on the floor with beheaded dog, completely unaware of the banging noise.
“You stay here,” Scarlet ordered picking herself up from the floor.
Ona looked up and obediently replied, “Okay! Puppy will keep me company!”
Scarlet shot out their front door. Instantly she was blinded by a glaring light that seemed to take up the whole hallway. When her eyes got adjusted, Scarlet saw the hall.
Was a complete madhouse.
Some people ran in and out of random doorways. Others hid behind overturned furniture. Still others just stood still and screamed their lungs raw.
  And in the center of the storm was a robot.
It was easily the size of a small car with giant pincer-like claws on either end. They were intended for smashing prey, yet Scarlet couldn’t help but wonder how it held a pencil. However, its face was the scariest part. It was a swirling mask of horror that made Scarlet dizzy just looking at it. Trying not to get nauseous, she focused on the robot’s lower half. Its body was entirely made of glass, with a t-shirt covering its torso that boldly stated “Death to pepperoni! Taco is the king!”
That’s when Scarlet really got mad. “Oh, no! Oh you did not just insult pepperoni!”
The robot tilted his head –making Scarlet sick to her stomach- as though confused, “Why do you not lose your head, human?” It intoned.
Scarlet ignored its question. Still bubbling with anger, she ran toward the robot screaming, “For you, pepperoni!”
It reared up in front of her, before stating, “I will squash you like a bug,”
It’s speech isn’t very original, but it’s scary enough. I need to change my approach.
Scarlet darted into a nearby doorway looking for something to use as a weapon.
The first thing to hit her was the smell. It smelt nice, which usually when something smells good you don’t notice straight off the bat, but Scarlet did. She had lived in the same apartment with Ona for five years now, and in those years she had gotten used to the scent of disinfectant, and the slimy odor of the medicine Ona takes. This apartment smelled like caramel. Her mother had perfume that smelt like caramel. Scarlet’s eyes began to get watery thinking of her.
Focus! She told herself clearing away the unshed tears.
The apartment was so similar to her own it gave her the vertigo just by looking at it. It had same wooden flooring, but instead of taupe wallpaper it had blue flowery wallpaper with orange trim that made an odd combination. But the layout was the same: kitchen in the back left corner, bathrooms and bedrooms to the right, and a small living room nestled in the middle.
A broom and dust pan lay dejectedly in the middle of the floor, dust still floating in the air as though someone had just thrown it up in fright.
-BANG- -BANG- , the monster reminded her.
“Coming!” Scarlet muttered like an annoyed teen yelling at her parents.
She turned back toward the broom, and shrugged, “That’ll have to do.”
Seconds later, she ran out the door armed with a fearsome broom, prepared to dust the robot to death.
“Eat straw, Taco Man,” Scarlet yelled.
“Huh, you actually eat straw!” Scarlet deadpanned staring at the stump left of her broom.
The robot cackled, “HA-HA ha! You may be immune to the A-2243, but I will still destroy you the old-fashion way.”
Its claws begin to change into something much worse. Scarlet could only watch frozen in horror. Screams still came from the people around her, but somehow it all seemed distant like she was watching a movie about some stranger named Scarlet Carmine. Not living her life.

“I WILL DESTROY YOUR WORLD!” the robot intoned pointing the weapon at her head. 

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