Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Hero Chapter 2

I'm sooooo sorry!!! I meant to update my stories yesterday, but it was a crazy day. Any way, I will be updating The Third Earth and The Web of Colors even though I don't really know where I am going to go with The Web of Colors.. Meh, my nutty brain will come up with a strange plot. If you have any ideas... I'd LOVE to hear from you. 

Oh and thank you, KristaCary M, for the feedback! It is greatly appreciated!

 I was beginning to get uncomfortable. That morning I had mentally prepared myself for having a horrible time at this school, but I never expected it to be this bad. It was like all the things I dislike rolled into a one big Imani’s-bad-day cookie. 
After the Weird Wind episode, Mr. Glocks had quickly released us. He had mumbled something about getting the AC guy to fix the problems. But Zoe just stared at me. Frankly it was creepy. Her eyes that were typically warm, and friendly held a cold look that said, ‘I’m trying to figure out what makes you tick.’ It was a look scientists wore.
When Zoe spoke again, her words were careful as though she was completely out of her comfort zone, “Imani, were you in that- that- wind?”
“I think so.” I exclaimed, perplexed.
“Alright, is this some sort of high tech prank?” Zoe was fumbling trying to figure out some logical reason for the mysterious wind. “Seren, is this your prank on Imani and me?”
There was no reply.
Seren and the voice must be in some rude club- wait the voice! I wanted to smack my head for being so dumb.
Voice, buddy you there? I asked the voice.
It’s no prank. It’s your gift. The voice murmured softly.
What? But the voice stubbornly refused to say any more.
I sighed and ran a hand through my choppy blond hair. Once again the voice left me with more questions after the answer than before it.
“It’s no prank.” I told Zoe.
Her head snapped in my direction, a dangerous light in her eyes. “Do you expect me to believe that you have some sort of mysterious super power?”
Her breath was ragged, “Do you think that I’m an idiot?”
I backed up, “Whoa, calm down.”
“I know you guys know about it!” Zoe screamed her eyes wide, darting back and forth as though watching an intense game of tennis.
“I know you know my deepest wish!” she collapsed as though all the life had been sucked out of her.
I rushed to her side, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Zoe stated plaintively, sitting up.
I studied her. Her breath was ragged, eyes slightly red.
For a few blissful seconds we pretended nothing was wrong. Then I got down to business.
“Alright, what’s the matter?”
“What do you mean?” Zoe replied.
“I mean, what happened to make you collapse like the London Bridge.” I reiterated.
She smirked, “Nursery Rhyme humor, I like it.”
I shot her a glare.
Her facet crumbled, “I like super heroes books. My greatest wish is to meet one. Or create one.”
I didn’t get it, “So?”
 “So?” Zoe stared at me, “You aren’t like embarrassed to be my friend?”
Now it was my turn to stare at her, “May be it’s different at this school, but at my old school the people who liked super heroes were the cool kids.”
Zoe smiled, a real genuine smile, “Really?”
“’Course, now I hate to sound selfish, but can you figure out what the heck happened when we ran!?”
“Right,” she said.

“Anything?” I asked. It had been one day since discovering my weird power, and we both had done research at home. While the other kids were eating their lunch, we were discussing the incident. My research had consisted mostly of asking the voice. But the voice only repeated, It’s your gift. Over and over like some weird chant. It got annoying fast. So I relied on Zoe for my information.
Zoe shook her head. “There’s a possibility you could have super powers, but usually the only way to get them is from heritage or an accident.”
I bit my lip, “My parents are normal, as far as I know…”
“But,” I continued, reluctantly “They have always been sort of weird.”
Zoe’s eyes narrowed, “How so?”
“We move around constantly, I have never been let into their office, and…” I hesitated, not wanting to sound over dramatic.
“This could be the key to finding out what’s going on with you.” Zoe encouraged.
 “They are hiding something,” I disclosed.
“How do you know?” She asked.
“When we looked into a house here, they already had one.” I swallowed. “Whenever we move to a new place there is a house waiting for us. Very similar to the previous one.”
“Suspicious.” Zoe commented.
“I’ve asked them before, and my dad said his work pays for them.”
She frowned, “I’ve never heard of that before.”
“Very suspicious.” We echoed in unison.
Zoe jumped up from her plastic –not gross- seat, “Okay, I know my parents said never to invite yourself over to someone else’s house, but can I come over to your house. For some spying?” Her eyes twinkled.
I stared up at her in shock, I hadn’t had a friend over since fifth grade. Then again I haven’t had a friend since fifth grade. But I didn’t know if it was such a great idea. Whenever we move, my parents get a little crazy. And busy. But they’ve always let Sara, my younger sister with the much more normal name, have her friends over. So I guess it was okay.
Yes, the voice murmured, keep your friend close.
As was the normal, the voice didn’t speak any more.
DO YOU MIND BEING MORE SPECIFIC? I mentally screamed at the voice.
There was a voice, but not the voice.
“Is that a no?”
I jumped out of my thoughts totally forgetting about Zoe.
“Sorry, and no it’s a yes.” I frowned, confused by the words coming out of my own mouth, “You can come over.”
Zoe looked relieved.
“But be forewarned,” I proclaimed, “We just recently moved in, so it might be a bit of a madhouse.”
She grinned, “I share my room with Seren. Every morning is a flurry of makeup, hair spray, and screaming at me to get out of her room.”
I smiled back, “I would love to see her royal highness have the dishonor of sharing a room with another.”
She laughed.
DING-A-LING, the bell interrupted, DING-A-LING!

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