Monday, July 11, 2016

500 years from now

In case you have not discovered by now... I am bad with titles. The Third Earth for instance started out being The Bomb. The Web of Colors was originally called His name was Jet (No, I am not kidding) 500 years from now is hardly an exception. But then again this story was written for school (I didn't spend a lot of time naming it). The story prompt was something like, 'What would people think of (insert name of random 21st century object) in the far future?' My brain screamed, "IT'S STORY TIME!!!" and I was off to the strange field of my imagination.

So, here is a peak into my brain! Read, Enjoy, and Comment!!

I took a deep breath as I looked at the ruins around me. My heart broke in two every time I think of what these people suffered through. When A. Paha took first over their country he set off bomb in this area. That was over 500 years ago. When J. Paha died he passed his throne onto his son and his son’s son for 8 generations until one of A. Paha’s offspring was a girl with a good heart. Her name was Joya Paha. Joya Paha and I were trying to restore the country once called America to its former glory. It was going to take some time, but both she and I pledged to complete it. Unfortunately, that meant journeying through the lands of the forbidden. No one had touched this place since the bomb. 
No one who was within 100, 000, 000 feet of the place in which the bomb hit the ground survived. It truly was heartbreaking.
            “Sarai,” Joya beckoned me over. ”Take a look at this.”
            She was bent over the strangest little box I’ve ever seen. It had a weird plastic substance covering top and some buttons at the bottom.
“Wow!” I exclaimed as we closely examined it
 Suddenly Joya shrieked, and jerked away from the little box. It hit the ground in a clatter.
“Joya!” I screamed in anger.
“Sorry, there was a bug.” She gave an apologetic smile.
I rolled my eyes forgetting how much Joya hated bugs.
Finally my eyes settled on the ground more precisely the little box. I gasped, “You broke it!”
“No I didn’t.” Joya picked up the box, “I think it was supposed to do that.”
“Huh?” I asked as she fiddled around with it finally popping it back in to place.
“Well maybe the scientists will figure it out,” Joya said slipping it into her bag.
“Wait, let me draw it real quick.”
“Ok,” she put it on the ground and began to search around the ruins in hopes of finding more interesting artifacts.
This is what that strange box looks like.

“What is this?” Joya held up a fat book.
I looked at Joya, “It’s a book.”
“I mean it’s not about military.” She said opening to the first page, “read this.”
“’In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.’ Hey this is the history of the world how it was created and stuff like that!” I could hardly believe how lucky we were to stumble upon such a discovery.
“Wait, wait, wait, I was told the world was created by an explosion,” Joya said confused.
I couldn’t help, but roll my eyes, “After seeing what this explosion has done. Do you really believe that?”
“Good point,” She smiled faintly. 

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