Saturday, July 9, 2016

Wander Chapter 4-- It’s moments like this I wish I was a dog

Here it is the fourth chapter of Wander! I really don't have much to babble about, this time except.... READ, ENJOY, AND COMMENT!!!! And now I'll stop talking!

I couldn't get that band of fabric out of my head. We had came so close to being killed just today. And that was only the first soldier we had met. I hate to think what would happen when we come to the worst line of soldiers, the ones not even my parents could fight or Jae's parents for that matter.

But it hasn't happened yet, I thought, focus on what you can change.

“-Wish I could have used some of my sweet moves out on that…” Jae paused,”Are you even listening to me?”

I shook my head. Jae had been blabbing about the strange man ever since we had left him in our dust.

“Well that hurts!” Jae exclaimed, “speaking of hurts, how much do you think that bumbling old man back there wants to kill me?”

He laughed, but my throat closed.

He doesn't even realize how close he came to-

NO! I cannot lose anyone else!

He continued, “I bet he wants to rip my throat out with his bare hands or kill me or--”

Something in me snapped. My vision tinted red.

I turned toward Jae and threw my body against his.

The car swirved. My throat constricted as my seat belt nearly choked me.

Jae managed to regain the car, without tipping it but managed to shove his elbow into my probably cracked ribs.

I gritted my teeth to avoid screaming.

“What the CRAP!” Jae screeched.

His angry eyes were pasted on the road to the point where I wondered how it wasn’t boiling by now.

“Our parents are captured by the enemy, likely dead. The world is dying around us, and you can't even take this situation seriously!” I ground my teeth.

“You talk about death. You want people to kill you!” I screamed.

“You want to die!” I said quieter.

Jae’s eyes were still facing the road, but his eyes were less harsh. The edges were dulled like a knife after years of use.

“That does not give you any right to tackle me while I am driving the car!” His voice had less of a fight in it.

Silence was a barrier in the car, seeming to form into a well-made brick wall.

I swallowed.

“I am sorry.” I felt tears come to my cheeks, horror of the past couple days and the pain of my aching ribs catching up with me, “I just cannot… will not let anyone else I care about be harmed by those demons.”

He grinned, all anger barely even a memory, “You care about me?”

My face was a furnace. It burned, each atom speaking up telling my brain the exact location of each tear that was sliding down.

Leave it to Jae to turn an angry moment into a embarrassing one.

“So not the point!” I yelped.

“But you do care about me.” He asked, grinning evilly at the road.

“Yes, I do,” I muttered quietly.

If only I had the courage to tell you just how much.

“You are my student,” I said out loud, “I am your teacher. It’s my job to care about you or I wouldn’t be telling you how not  to die.”

Jae laughed, “Suuuuure. Whatever you say.”

Of all the hints he didn’t pick up on over the years this had to be the one he did!

I groaned inwardly.

Jae was quiet for several seconds.

“You said, ‘Our parents” he muttered.

“What?” even though I heard him perfectly.

“You said ‘Our parents are capture by the enemy.”

I ran a hand through my hair, “Yes, I did.”

“So, your parents are not on vacation?” Jae glanced at me out of the corner of his eye.

I stared at the beaded windshield for several seconds. “No, they are not.”

“Why didn't you tell me in the first place?”

“I thought…” I tried to reply, “I… don't know.”

Jae let out a sigh.

“Did it have anything to do with my lack of training?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I revealed feeling guilty.

He stratched the top of his head messing up his prefect black hair in a way that I found kind of cute.

My head let out a painful pulse of pain at that moment, making me grip it in reflex.

It throbbed in time to my heartbeat.




“Woah! Alina are you okay?” Jaes voice sounded like he was yelling at me through a thick wall.

“Concussion,” I managed to stuttered out, “It'll pass.”

“Okay,” he didn't sound that convinced, “just let me know if you need to take a barf. I can pull over and you can do it on the sidewalk. We had one guy on the soccer team that got concussions on a regular basis. When ever we went on a trip longer than twenty minutes we had to pull over at least two times so he could barf. Man, you had to be downwind of his breath if you didnt want--”

“Jae,” I interrupted, “Please… stop.”

“Right, nausea and barf stories in great detail don't mix.” he replied understanding.

I stared at the dirty floor, my head spinning my tongue dry, and my mind trying to convince my stomach to not divorce my lunch.

I really, really hate concussions.

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