Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Meeting Jesus

Hello, people of the Internet!!! 

I have another short story for you! Yeah, I'm going a bit crazy with the short stories. But this one is about Jesus! Very different from the weird piano and army guy in the forest from yesterday. Heh, any way. Read, Enjoy, and well.... COMMENT!!

Seriously, do it. It makes me write faster :)

I opened the dark wooded door and slipped in.
“Mom, I’m home!” I called down the hallway just in case.
No answer. I sighed I had hoped today would be different, but no mom and no change. My mom constantly was at work. You’d think a job as a cashier wouldn’t take her away from her family for too long, but Mom worked extra hours and had multiple jobs. 
                Another lonely day, it was.
                I tossed my backpack on the floor and sat on it feeling depressed.
                “God,” I said raising my eyes to the heavens (AKA the ceiling), “If you are real and not some myth help me now.”
                No reply.
-Buzz- -Buzz-
My phone went off. I picked up it with a sigh.
                Meet me at the park
                It was an anonymous number. Having nothing better to do I decided to meet strange person at the park. I zipped up my bag and headed for the park.
                Ok first to clarify, I was no idiot I realized that going to the park to meet some stranger who had mysteriously gotten my phone number was not the smartest idea, but I was bored and wanted something to do. After all it was a safe park.
                Once I finally reached the park, I sat on the closest, empty bench to the park entrance. I was checking my phone when a deep voice asked me:
                “Is seat taken?” I looked up. This guy had an olive-toned complexion with brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, he was average height and was wearing jeans, tennis shoes, and t-shirt.
                “No, go for it.” I said putting my phone away.
                He sat. The weird feeling came over me, love. The type of love a parent shows to their child.
                The feeling was not foreign to me, of course. My mom showed it to me whenever we talked, but I certainly hadn’t expected to feel it from a stranger at a park.
                Pieces began to fit together. Me asking God to show me some guidance. The mysterious text message.
No it’s…. No way!
                The man smiled, “Yes way, daughter.” He showed me his hands.
                “Jesus!” I said staring at him in amazement, I blurted out the only thing I could think of, “You look so 21st century!”
                Jesus laughed.
                I smiled, slight embarrassment tingeing my cheeks.
He stopped laughing and looked directly at me. The mood turn somber. It was like his very laugh made bird’s sing and his frown made trees weep.
His voice filled with fatherly concern. He continued, ”I know you’ve had hardships and a lot of them, but these will only prepare you for the future, you have more trials to come, I’m afraid,”
“More?” my voice squeaked.
“Yes, but worry not I will always be there for you.” He stared right at me, “Even in your darkest hour.”
I have never felt so afraid. I mean sure the Savior of the world just said he’d be there for me no matter what, but he also said I’d have more hardships. More as though the ones I have now aren’t enough.
As though he knew what I was thinking (which he probably did), Jesus opened up his arms wide and I fell into them crying. As much as I hate to admit it this was not pretty delicate Disney Princess weeping, no this was full on balling my eyes out, snot-nose crying. If this was any normal person I would have been too embarrassed to cry, but this was Jesus. JESUS!!!!! As in the Savior of the world, the Son of God. Even if I tried to hold the tear back they would have fallen anyway.
“I will always be with you even to the ends of the earth.”
“Diana! What are you doing on the floor?” I opened my eyes, to meet my mother’s filled with concern.
“I was just… taking a nap.” I sat up.
“In the middle of the entryway?” my mom inquired.
“Guess so.” I replied with a little laugh.
Mom gave me a weird look.
“Anyway what are you doing back so early?” I asked.
“They gave me the weekend off.” She replied an excited gleam in her eyes. “So what do you want to do?”
I was silent, thinking. I haven’t had alone time with my mom in forever! We could go to the beach, or a spa, or…. An idea popped into my head, so obvious I can’t believe I never thought of it before.
Slowly a smile spread on my face as I loved the idea more and more.
“Mom, how do you feel about church?”

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