Friday, July 29, 2016

The way of the horse ---Chapter 1

Tehe, here is another super uneducated story about horses.... Don't judge my young self. :P Read, Enjoy, and Review!

I felt my whole body jolt forward once my muscles propelled me. The loud cutting machines continuously droned on behind us. I heard the frightened whinnies of the horses of my herd as the raiders danced with perfect gaits behind us trying to lead us into the shining rock gates that held such agony and pain within. Not far beyond, mist enveloped the earth. I felt my mate's black pelt brush against my own. As black pelt brushed black pelt and eyes met we shared one look and cantered into the mist with our herd, vanishing from human's eyes.

The raiders slowed to a stop, the leader’s face, filled with fury, was almost as red as the sand beneath my hooves and as thick as the mist swirling around my herd.

        "You, you imbeciles, we didn’t catch a single horse,” the lead raider ranted, “You lost them to the dang mist.”

        "Ssorry bboss," a little man on the white horse stuttered and had a look that I recognized from many of our foals who had to be taught a lesson, fear, "ththey wwere ttto ffast ffor our hhorses.

        "Well then..." the raider paused an evil smile came on his face, “If you don’t catch these wild mustangs by the end of the month I promise you I will make sure every employer in the world knows how of a fool you all are.”

        The frighten horses and men cantered in one way and the leader, the other.

        For a long time my herd was silent even the youngest foal knew how dangerous it was to make any noise at such times. So we waited and waited.

        After uncountable hours of hiding in silence my mate and leader neighed, “They are gone,”

He and I did a quick scan of the herd making sure everyone was safe. Our herd grazed and then slept, the night’s watch on high alert for raiders.

My mate always got up early for the almost dawn watch so when I woke I found him staring at me.

“What?” I neighed.
“I was just thinking how weird it would be to have a foal.”

        I sighed, “Is it that noticeable?”


        “Truth,” I ordered him with a twinkle in my eye.

        “Ok the truth is um...... yes?” he said it like a question.

        “Ok how?”

        “Well you usually are the fastest in the herd, but lately you’ve been lagging,” I knew what he said was true I have been feeling like I was carrying a lot more weight than usual. “And you are usually the skinniest in the herd as well.”

“Thanks for your truthfulness.” I took a breath in and then blew it out.

        We continued to talk about our foal until the herd awoke.

        The raiders didn’t bother us for several moons so we spent that time, training and preparing our young for the time when we have to run again.

While this time was passing, the foal that I carried grew heavier and heavier, growing while twisting and turning as anxious as I was for it to get out. I could do little with it. The Medicine one told me, slow trot was the most at this stage. The older mares of the herd the ones who had given birth before, fussed over us younger ones that were new to this thing.

Sometimes I just walk by myself to ridge that overlooks our spring meadow. I think of our large herd, and then of the One who made us all. The god we believe in is actual a man god. A long time ago long before any of us or the earth we walk on was made, God made the world and everything on it like us (personally I wish God cut those biting flies from the list of what to make) and man to rule over us. Later He sent His son Jesus after the world became evil with sin. That’s the story a horse heard a long time ago and we, as horses, believe it.

One day, very close to the time in which I was to give my foal life, the raiders returned.

That day started with training the young ones, followed by gathering water and stalks of grass for the elderly who were saving their energy for the run.

By the time, I was finished with that, I was exhausted.

The older mares insisted I take a break. I was too tired to protest so I took a nap until the sun was too high to be shaded by distant trees and burned down on us with its full power.

I awoke to the sound of a warning whinny.

“RAIDERS,” called one of the lookouts.

My mate was already getting into position. This time I was in the middle where all the pregnant and nursing queens stayed during the run.

My usual spot was empty as it would be until my foal could run alongside me, matching his father’s and my pace.

I took a deep breath then let it out through my teeth making a low hissing noise, having a foal could be a pain.

The horse next to me jumped at the noise and turned toward me with a nervous jitter, “Is it coming? Should I get Leaf? Will you need protection?” Marcy, a former man horse, was about as jumpy as they come. On top of that she is a medicine horse in training.

I knew the best way to talk to an uneasy horse is to be calm. So I looked Marcy in the face and neighed, “I’m fine just thinking.”

“Thinking about going in to birth pains?”  She worried, “what if the raiders capture you?”

I took a deep breath looking over Marcy’s white coat and dappled nose. I found that the answer is difficult to tell her and once more I wish my oath said not to lie.

“Yes Marcy I am thinking about that.” I paused, “as for the raiders, I don’t know, I really don’t know...”

“Raiders approach,” called a lookout.

“Run,” I heard my mate whisper to everyone that surrounded him. Within seconds, the whole pack was running full speed.

I, unfortunately, felt myself lagging. Gravity took its cruel grip on my body, making me want to fall into its dust.

The farther I lagged the more the ground looked so nice, I wanted to just lay on it and sleep, but then an image of the raiders and my foal being raised up in those evil rock gates come into my mind. I forced my body to keep moving, but I started to lose hope. The raider were so close I could smell the scent of tanned cow hides.

I looked forward, and saw the mist.

 I can make it! I thought. Then I saw the foal.

It was a young foal with its mother. The mother was bucking and biting, so it was all the raiders could do to keep them going toward the rock gates. Those who had pursued me now turned to help the others.

I could still make it, but I would never live with myself if I knew I had had the ability to save someone, but refused. I trotted over to them, a plan in mind.

I kicked the nearest raider in the head, and that got their attention. I turn toward another. I tried to lift a hoof, but I couldn’t my body was too tired from running all that way.

 The raiders chose the easier target and pursued me, leaving the foal and the mare to escape.

The raiders easily chased me into the pen, and then loaded me into this large rumbling rock thing, and whisked me into a new horrifying world. As the stone thing rumbled its way along, I finally fell into a deep sleep.

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